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The New Hampshire state capital is Concord. Learn about New Hampshire's state government, including its branches and operations. Find New Hampshire travel and tourism information, and read about living and working in the Granite State.
New Hampshire is the 44th largest state in the United States. It is bounded to the north by the Canadian Province of Quebec, to the south by Massachusetts, to the west by Vermont, and to the east by Maine.
UNH, located in Durham, was founded in 1866. It is the largest school in the University System with about 13,000 students altogether. UNH is a land, sea, and space-grant institution. There are 600 faculty members.
Dartmouth College, located in Hanover, New Hampshire, is a highly selective, ivy league college. It was founded in 1769. There are 4100 undergraduates and 1600 graduate students at Dartmouth which includes students at the Medical School.
Maine is the 39th largest state in the USA; it is bounded by the Canadian provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick to the north, the state of New Hampshire on the southwest, and the Atlantic Ocean on the southeast.
Massachusetts is the 45th largest state in the USA, bordered by New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Atlantic Ocean. Several maps of Massachusetts are included on the website.
Vermont is the 43rd largest USA state, bordered by the Canadian Province of Quebec, as well as the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York. Visit this site to view printable maps of Vermont.
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