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Free Downloads Center
This site provides, as it is called, free downloads to over 30,000 software titles. The website lists the titles by type of software, theme, also games, reviews, news about products, and a list of popular items.
Project Gutenberg
Over 20,000 free, out of copyright, full-text titles, with another 80,000 additional titles from patrons and affiliates.
PackT Publishing
PackT Publishing specializes in publishing focused books on specific technologies and solutions.
Peachpit, a part of Pearson Education, has been publishing books on the latest in graphic design, desktop publishing, multimedia, web publishing, and general computing since 1986.
AdobePress is known for its high-quality books and is the official source for training materials for Adobe products. On the site, users can find out what titles have been published for each of the Adobe products.
Elsevierhealth is the gateway to the publisher's Health Sciences Publishing. Elsevier is a publisher of books and journals in dentistry, medicine, nursing, veterinary sciences, and allied medical fields.
American Museum of Photography
A virtual museum with online exhibitions and photograph collections. Includes listing of photographic processes and a section on preservation. The Museum Bookstore provides current photography titles and art posters.
Random House
Random House, a division of Bertelsmann AG and originally founded in 1925, is a publisher of English language trade books. Their many imprints include Bantam Doubleday Dell, Knopf, Crown, and others.
Springer US
Springer was originally founded in 1842 in Berlin. Today it is the second largest publishers of materials in the STM sector. Their 6 main subject areas are: science, medicine, business, technology, architecture, and transport.

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