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The Library of Congress Online Catalog contains records for over 110 million items in a variety of formats and languages. The catalog information for many of these items has appeared in a number of traditional card catalogs located in the Library.
The CDL, established in 1997, is the 11th University Library in the California system. Its purpose is to build a digital library that incorporates all the resources of the California State University System.
OCLC, located Dublin, Ohio, was founded as a cooperative library consortium. It is a non-profit, membership, computer library service and research organization. There are more than 57,000 member libraries in 112 countries.
Browse this library guide and directory to learn about public libraries and institutional libraries in the United States of America. All directory listings include contact information, category tags, and website links.
The Virtual Library is the oldest catalogue on the web, created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML. The virl.org links pages that exist on hundreds of different servers around the world. The Library is arranged by subject.
Library Furniture
In addition to traditional bookshelves, tables and chairs, libraries of today must incorporate furniture that allows for computers and other electronic media.
IPL was founded in 1995 at the University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies. It is now run by a consortium managed by Drexel University.
The United States' Library of Congress is the oldest federal cultural institution in the nation and serves as Congress' research arm. Its collections include millions of books and photos as well as recordings, maps and manuscripts.
The NLM is the world's largest medical library. It collects materials on all areas of biomedicine and health care. The collection has 9 million items including books, journals, manuscripts, and more.
Produced at Cornell University, this is a listing of open access e-prints in the subjects of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, and Statistics. It is searchable by subject.
Produced by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. This online source provides information about topics related to Jewish history and more current topics. Also contains bibliographies and lists of relevant websites.
Created by a former middle school librarian, this site contains resources for students, teachers, calendars and timelines, recommended reading lists, and lists of online newspapers and magazines.
This website contains all kinds of information for web site developers.
Webmonkey is part of Lycos, Inc. On Webmonkey, users can find information for all levels of web building—beginners, builders, and masters. There is a large how-to library with information on authoring, design, multimedia, e-commerce and more.
A database of citations to agricultural literature, compiled and created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) and its cooperators.
CiteSeer is a Scientific Literature Digital Library, hosted by Penn State University School of Information Sciences and Technology. The cites are mostly to articles in computer science and technology.
The website provides access to the resources of the University library. Users can search the catalog (MadCat), search for articles, find ejournals, subject guides, and much more. Non-University members must log-on to the online databases and journals.
The ACM is the primary organization in the field of Computing Machinery and promotes computing as a science and a profession. The site has a digital library with online articles from some of the journals published by ACM.
Professional association of architects in the UK and elsewhere. Site features architectural news, exhibitions, architect directories, and an extensive architecture resources library.
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