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Deer Resistant Plants
Many gardeners have experienced the frustration of planting attractive shrubbery only to have it eaten by deer. White-tailed deer are beautiful creatures, but they are an annoyance when it comes to gardens.
Garden Plants
Visitors can learn about garden annuals, perennials, ground covers, flower bulbs, and shrubs and visit links to online gardening shops.
Introduction to terrestrial biomes and freshwater ecosystems, and marine ecosystems. Website discusses the biology of plants, including plant parts, pollination, seeds, and more.
Plant Nurseries
Plant nurseries grow annuals, perennials, and shrubs to sell to the general public or garden centers, commercial landscapers, and other nurseries.
Learn about products and services that are commonly used by home owners, home gardeners, and home landscapers. Browse the menu to find home improvement services as well as products such as kitchen furniture, table lamps, and garden plants.
Online Florists
Flowers are popular gifts for Mothers Day, Valentines Day, birthdays, and many other occasions. Florists generally sell fresh flowers, flower arrangements, and ornamental plants.
Pond Supplies
Ponds and water gardens add beauty and tranquility to any outdoor space. Ponds may be made from a variety of materials and may or may not contain plants and fish.
This is the website for the branch of government that is committed to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their environments. Users can find information about fishing, hunting, endangered species, conservation and much more.
The 400 acre San Diego Zoo features 4,000 rare and endangered animals from 800 species, and a botanical collection of 700,000 plants. The website contains extensive information on all the animals, including a panda webcam.
Plant Seedling in Clay Pot
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