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Ohio Map
Ohio is the 35th largest state in the USA, bounded by Pennsylvania, Indiana, West Virginia, Michigan, and Kentucky. Visit this site to learn more about the state and view printable maps of Ohio.
Welcome to
Ohio's state capital city is Columbus. Learn about the Ohio state government agencies and services. Find Ohio travel and tourism information, and read about living and working in the Buckeye State.
Ohio State University
OSU, the largest state university, was first established in 1870 just north of Columbus. The total number of students at OSU is almost 52,000 and over 3000 faculty.
Kent State University
Kent State, founded in 1910, is located in Kent, Ohio. There are seven other branches in Northeast Ohio. Kent State is well-known as the place where several students were killed during a 1970 war protest.
BalletMet Columbus
Since 1978, this organization has provided artistic excellence in the field of dance to the Central Ohio region.
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
The Columbus Zoological Park was founded in 1927 with a small collection of donated animals. Today, the Columbus Zoo strives to inspire a greater appreciation of wildlife for the advancement of conservation action.
Indiana Map
Indiana is the 38th largest state in the USA, bounded by the states of Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan. Visit this site to learn more about Indiana, and view printable maps of Indiana.
Kentucky Map
Kentucky is the 36th largest state in the United States, and is bordered by Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois.
Michigan Map
Michigan is the 22nd largest state in the USA, bordered by Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and the Canadian Province of Ontario.
Pennsylvania Map
Pennsylvania is the 32nd largest state in the USA, bordered by New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, West Virginia, and Lake Erie. Visit this site to view printable road maps of Pennsylvania.
West Virginia Map
West Virginia is the 41st largest USA state, surrounded by Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. Visit this site to learn more and find printable road, topo, and relief maps of West Virginia.
Ballard Designs
Ballard Designs was founded in 1983. It is a premier mail-order source for fine furniture and accents. There is a Ballard retail store in Florida and outlets in Georgia and Ohio.
CAS - Chemical Abstracts Service
CAS, located in Columbus, Ohio, is a division of the American Chemical Society. It is the producer of the largest and most comprehensive databases of chemical information.
City of Cleveland
Official website of the City of Cleveland. Read about the Cleveland city government, as well as its services and resources. Learn about visiting and living in the city of Cleveland, Ohio.
City of Columbus
The official website for the City of Columbus, Ohio has information about city department and services. Learn about the Columbus city government, and read about visiting and living in the city of Columbus.
OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
OCLC, located Dublin, Ohio, was founded as a cooperative library consortium. It is a non-profit, membership, computer library service and research organization. There are more than 57,000 member libraries in 112 countries.
ohio shape icon
Ohio Icon in Blue and Red Gradient

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