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AIGA: The Professional Association for Design
AIGA was founded as the American Institute of Graphic Arts in 1914. Now it represents more than 19,000 designers. AIGA provides five main functions for designers: information, communication, inspiration, validation, and representation. - Creative Design Resource
This JupiterMedia site is devoted to graphics for print and for the web. Read news from graphics software vendors as well as tips, tutorials, and reviews of graphic design products and services.
From Old Books
There are 1817 images on this website, most in more than one size. The images are mostly scanned from old books, ranging in date from the 1500s to the 1920's and 30's. The books are mostly out of copyright.
CSS Zen Garden
CSS is a world wide web design resource using CSS-based design. The program came out of a desire to help graphic designers make better looking websites. Users can find samples of CSS designs and information about using the software.
Royalty Free Photos
Royalty-free photos are available online through stock photography websites and are popular with graphic designers, web developers, and digital artists.
United States Customs and Border Patrol
CBP operates under the Dept. of Homeland Security. It employs 41,000 people to manage, control, and protect the Nation's borders, at and between the official ports of entry.
Peachpit, a part of Pearson Education, has been publishing books on the latest in graphic design, desktop publishing, multimedia, web publishing, and general computing since 1986.
Online encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms. Visitors can explore these symbols via a graphic index or a word index.

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