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Netscape Communications Corporation is a computer company best known for its web browser Netscape. At one time Netscape was the number 1 browser but has since lost its dominance to Internet Explorer.
From this site, users can download the Google toolbar to any browser. There are also many buttons and other tools that can be added to customize a user's toolbar.
Firefox, a web browser, is produced and disseminated by Mozilla, a non-profit company that offers all its products for free.
Mozilla is a not-for-profit organization that develops and disseminates software products. They are the producers of Foxfire, a popular web browser, and Thunderbird, which provides access to email.
Opera software is based in Oslo, Norway. It is an Internet browser and Internet suite which offers many familiar website features. Opera Software can be run on PCs, mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, game consoles and interactive TV.
Ubuntu is a community-developed, linux-based operating system that is good for laptops, desktops, and servers. It contains a web browser, presentation, document, and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and more.
w3Schools is a free web development portal with tutorials on web development subjects such as HTML, JavaScript, and many others. There are also numerous examples for users to look at.
WhatWg is a community of browser vendors, web developers and other people interested in the development of the next generation of HTML and related technologies that enable authors to write and deploy applications over the World Wide Web.
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